Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Random Intros that I love to write

Hi peoples! I love writing random intros for different characters me and my friends make up. Here are some intros that I have written recently:

Sofia Hall

Powers: Controls Gravity (scars glow yellow) and when she is really angry (her scars and eyes glow black) everyone looking at her sees their worst nightmare.

Long black hair that ends at the mid torso. Her hair is over her left side of her face to try to hide the scars. Deep Green eyes that sparkle in the sunlight, and bright face. On the left side of her body and her right cheek are scars from her five-year-old accident. The scar on her right cheek is shaped like a crescent moon. She stands at 5’7”. She is 15 years old.

Background: Her dad died a year before she and her mom visit her sister, who is in collage. While Sofia and her sister were snowshoeing, robbers forced them to her sis’s home. They killed her and threw Sofia out the window. Her mom died in a car accident.

How she got her powers: After the accident she was dieing. The doctors experiment on her. A minute after her heart stopped the chemicals kicked in and gave her life back to her. One of the chemicals gave her the power to control gravity.

“So how’s mom doing? With dad dead and all,” Rachel asked.
“She’s okay sis, but mommy sad, really really sad…” Sophia explained.
“I understand, but hey! It isn’t everyday that you get to go snowshoeing in Alaska with your sister!” Rachel teased. Sophia smiled brightly and tried to run ahead of her but the snowshoes were too heavy! Rachel laughed at her sister’s five-year-old behavior, her eyes glistened through her goggles.
“Put your hands up of I’ll shoot!” growled a rough voice suddenly behind them. Rachel’s face grew white as the snow beneath them as she pulled her sister close to her and turned around. There were three men; all dressed in bundles of worn down, moth eaten coats. Underneath the scarves you could see their scraggly beards frozen from the juice of tobacco. The one with the gun said, “Show us where your cabin is and we won’t kill you here…”

“Get me more of that wine woman!” yelled the man with the gun, or as I called him, Raspy. After they had forced them to bring them to Rachel’s cabin they had raided the pantry and the wine cellar.
“Woman!” yelled the robber.
“Coming, coming,” Rachel replied fearfully, her hand trembling violently as she unscrewed the fifth bottle of wine. As fast as she could, she walked into the family room towards the men. After pouring wine into the robber’s waiting wine glass she turned to leave.
“Wait,” he commanded drunkenly, grabbing her arm, “leave the bottle and give me a little kiss.”
“Never,” she replied harshly, “and get your grubby hands off me.” A drunken smile crept up the robber’s hardened face and then fell into a growl. Getting up he wrenched her towards the kitchen. Getting his destination, the stove, he turned it on a waited it to get scorching hot.
“Now my lovely,” Raspy said drunkenly, “you… will… die.”
“No! No!” Sophia screamed as he started to force Rachel’s frightened face onto the red-hot surface. Running towards him Sophia flung her puny fists into his side. He looked at her for a moment then at Rachel. Throwing Rachel down on the floor his strong arms grabbed Sophia. Then he flung her out the kitchen’s small window. She felt her head smash with splattering force. Glass cut into her skin like little daggers, ripping open her flesh. Pain beyond her comprehension flooded her body like water into a dam. Moments later Sophia felt her delicate face face-planted into the cold snow.
A new feeling settled over her, something much worse than a torn up body and a deep feeling of hopelessness. The cold. It crept up Sophia’s scratched body like a weed up corn, tormenting her as a blizzard settled over the mountains.
Shivering like a maniac, she started to drag herself away from what seemed to be the house. Suddenly a woman’s scream split the air. It was Rachel’s.
“NOOOOO!” Sophia screamed, tears filled her eyes and leaked onto her frozen face. Panicking, she crawled towards the sound. Snow filled her vision, confusing her and threatening to lead her away from her destination. Sophia’s eyes grew heavy as worry clouded her thoughts.
Shards of sharp snow cut into her face as she collapsed from exhaustion. Looking up one last time, she saw Rachel running towards her. Reaching out her hand Rachel brushed the snow from her face. Warmth filled Sophia at her touch.
“Live,” Rachel said softly, “You will live… promise me.”
“I’ll t-t-t-try,” Sophia whispered weakly, “I-I-I will.”
“Then it will be done,” Rachel whispered softly, and then slowly she disappeared. Darkness started to fill Sophia’s vision; five minutes later she was out.

It’s soooooooo warm, Sophia thought as she slowly regained consciousness. Her head throbbed with some unknown, terrible pain. Slowly it started to tone down, allowing her to listen to her surroundings. Am I dead? Or am I just dreaming? Sophia asked herself, I didn’t know or care, just as long as I was warm. Suddenly she heard voices, they were faint but she was able to barely make them out.
“--- Mother’s dead, she got killed in a car crash.”
“What about the girl we found inside the cabin?”
“Dead, she was burnt to death. Sadly we weren’t able to save her but the child,” the sound of pages flipping filled the air, “Sophia Hall, seems to be dieing of deep gashes all along her left side of her body.
“Why can’t we use the new chemicals w--”
“No! We should experiment on her till we can find a living relative that will agree to have us try it!”
“Yes sir,” responded the feminine voice. She heard the clicking of footsteps moving towards her, were ever she was. A soft hand pulled her covers up higher then made some scratching noises on what sounded like a paper. Sophia opened her eyes slightly. She was in a dimmed room, a hospital room. Next to her bed she saw a young woman with long, blond writing something on a notepad she had in her hands.
“Good morning sleepy head,” said the nurse, “how are you feeling?”
“Good I guess,” replied Sophia tiredly, “but my left side hurts badly.”
“It’s alright,” said the nurse, resting her hand on Sophia’s right side,” You’ll be alright.”

Sophia Hall closed her journal, remembering that terrible week when she had learned that only a chemical could save her from the cuts that now covered her left side and right cheek. Reaching up, she traced the crescent moon scar on her right cheek, remembering the pain. Why did this have to happen to me? Sophia asked herself glumly. Getting up off her bed, Sophia walked over to the window. Looking out, she saw Grant, her nemesis, walking towards her house, obviously to talk to her father.
Father was a nice, handsome man; he had retrieved her from the orphanage when she was seven. He loved her as if she was his own. Unlike other people looking to adopt kids, her wicked scars didn’t horrify him. Ever since then, they had been wonderful friends, as adopted Father and Daughter.
“Yes Slash?” Sophia yelled back to her dad.


Long red hair, green eyes that glow yellow when she turns into a tabby cat, orange tabby ears and a slightly fluffy tail, and about 5’ 5”. She is 15 years old.

At the age of three her parents died, killed by the werewolves. Her older brother, Cadvan, took Mayling, her identical twin sister Shia and their younger brother Grant into his own house and he and his wife took care of them.

Why she is what she is: Her twin sister saw a werecat change from a “human” into a cat and for security reasons they bit Mayling thinking it was her twin.

Why did they have to die now? Mayling thought in desperation. She and her identical twin sister Shia had only been alive for four, happy years, and then her parents were killed by a pack of bloodthirsty werewolves. Wringing her hands she jumped up from her sister-in-law’s lap and ran out the door.
“Mayling! Come back here!” she called. Ignoring her was all Mayling could do from exploding into tears and coming back to her comforting lap. After a while her puny legs started to hurt and her surroundings changed. Outside the village seemed so different. It was very grassy and rough without a lot trees to cover you at nighttime, and one big long dirt road leading to neighboring cities. Slowing down to a walk, she shuffled her feet in the dirt. Looking up she saw a black cat.
What a cute little kitty, she thought as she walked towards the cat, which was in the middle of the road. Slowly she sat down next to it and stretched out her tiny little hand so it could sniff her. The cat eyed Mayling's childish features, as if wondering if she was friend or foe. Suddenly it struck, biting her outstretched fingers! It bit me! That stupid no good of a cat bit me! She thought as pain ran through her hand, arm, and face, and then her whole body! Her four-year-old mind twisted as she tried to comprehend why such a cute kitty would bite her.
Out of nowhere a man appeared where the cat had sat. On his head were two black velvet cat ears; behind him was a sleek cattail. His black hair almost covered his black catlike eyes that locked with Mayling's and held them fast.
"Come, follow me now," his low voice commanded. Uncontrollable fear ran down her back; making the hairs stand straight. A screamed filled Mayling’s mouth; she scrabbled away from him. Panic filled her green eyes as she ran home to her twin sister, Shia, crying uncontrollably.
* * * * * *
"COCKA DOODLE DOO!" screamed Peg, their rooster; reminding them it was another fabulous day to live. Tiredly she dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom, to clean up for breakfast. Opening her half closed eyes she gazed into the dirt filled mirror. Mayling's puffy red hair stuck in gazillion directions and her green eyes looked almost dead with exhaustion. There was something wrong with her reflection but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Pushing a red lock of hair from her face behind her ear…Wait…she thought…where is my ear! Panic over read her mind as her hands flew over her head trying to find her ears, her human ears. Near the top, her hands hit two things. They felt velvety…like cat ears. Mayling’s eyes opened wide with terror.

Mayling’s eyelids flew open. It was dark, cold and dark even with her warm tabby cat fur. Sevak, the black werecat that bit her and taken her to the Society of werecats, slept silently beside her. His warm fur pressed against gently hers. She smiled inwardly and snuggled closer to him. It had been nine years since Sevak had bitten her. He told her he bit her for security reasons. He said he had saw her witness a werecat turn from a ‘human’ form into a cat but she suspected that he missed his family so much that he decided to make a family of his own, starting with adopting a daughter.
Sevak started to stir, his cold, black eyes seemed warmed than usual. He got up and stretched. Noticing Mayling was also awake his eyes smiled brightly. Jerking his head toward the entrance of the hole he motioned Mayling to follow him.
Outside, Sevak and Mayling walked towards the pile of newly hunted animals. Picking up their breakfast, two magpies, they made their way towards them middle of camp to eat with the leaders of the Society.
“No! We will not bite more humans to join our cause! It’s preposterous!”
“Come on Gale, we need more troops…I mean werecats so we can destroy the one that made us what we are! The King’s his magicians!”
“You both are mad, we need to consider who we can get a hold! If we capture the Prince then we could force him to tell us where the magicians live, then we can murder them ourselves!”
“No, no, we could go into town in our cat forms and listen in on the King’s band of evil magicians and find a way to cure ourselves from this curse.”
“Sevak,” Mayling whispered nervously, “what is this crazy talk? Are we really going to kill someone? I thought we were never going to do what we were originally made for, spies.”
“It’s alright May, our leaders are crazed with the curse but I agree with Medline, we should find a way to cure ourselves,” he whispered.
“Yeah maybe we should….” She whispered back.
* * * * * *
Wind whipped past Mayling as she ran through the trees. She was running away. The Society was behind her and catching up fast, she had to do something to get them off her tail. Suddenly the woods stopped, opening up to a dirt road. Quick as lightning she changed directions, running towards a cart a few feet away. Jumping inside the cart was easy said that done. The first try was unsuccessful, trying to jump up higher that half a man and from three grueling feet away isn’t a pretty sight. Getting up from the ground she tried again, making it into the cart and out of sight just in time. Behind her she heard the hiss of cats as they cursed her name.
* * * * * *
Whoever owns this cart smells like disgusting honey Mayling thought as she slowly woke up from a long nap. Opening her green eyes she look around her. Go figure she thought as she spotted jars and jars of sickly sweet honey. Suddenly the cart stopped its constant rocking, a voice filtered through the blanket that cover the products.
“State your business,” yawned a tired gateman.
“Se...selling honey,” answered the feeble salesman, “Fine season for selling honey.”
“Fine, go ahead,” the gateman answered lazily, sounding bored with the subject already. The gate slowly opened with a deafening roar. The cart started to move into a noisy and crowded street.
Mayling peered out from under the blanket. People bustled the streets and smells of all kinds floated in the air. And the noisy, it was barely bearable! Feeling slightly light headed from…everything; Mayling sat down, waiting for it to pass. Just when things were starting to get better fate took a turn. Someone’s hand picked up the blanket exposing Mayling in her cat form. Wide eyed she jumped out of the cart and bolted away from the human, or whatever it was. Being on the ground was even worse than above. People’s feet walking here and there was as complicated as a walking maze. Every were you looking a straight escape from the ruckus was immediately cut off and then reopened again and again but she managed to get through. Panting (which is almost impossible for a cat) from her narrow escape from the thing and the constantly moving feet Mayling found herself blocks from the commotion. Sitting down she found herself in front of a mansion, with tall gate doors and a vines climbing the wall. Deciding to take a look Mayling climbed up the wall; there she saw a little girl, about 14 years old, dancing gracefully in the courtyard. Her smile was painfully lonely and her lovely face was blue with sadness. Maybe I can comfort her Mayling thought, remembering her own sad life maybe we can be friends…
* * * * * *
Being a house cat isn’t as appealing as it sounds, in fact it’s worse. It had been two relaxing (and boring) years since Mayling had sat on Melody Leart’s garden wall, wondering if she, a mutated freak, could befriend such a person. Now, standing on the marble stairs Mayling look cautiously at the group of humans who are here to celebrate Melody’s sixteenth birthday. According to what Mayling has heard this was the first time in a long time that Melody was going to have and open party, so anyone could come in, whether it be friend or foe and this little information scared her to death.
“Kitty, what are you doing on the stairs?” Melody asked. Smiling she picked up Mayling and started walking down stairs to meet her guests.
Suddenly, almost all the way down, Melody’s dress caught on one of the various decorations on the stairs and tripped.
Melody has dropped me a million times but not like this Mayling thought as she flew down the rest of the stairs and smashing into the nearest vase. Her vision became a blur but she knew she couldn’t pass out (become completely unconscious) and reveal her true identity. Blinking rapidly she tried to focus but she couldn’t. Finally she got up and stumbled into the garden.
Blinding pain shot through Mayling’s head as she regained conscience. After several killing minutes the pain slowly was replaced by the cold. Slowly she opened her human eyes. She gasped for air but none came. She recognized the floorboards above her and the awful smell of death around her. “No, no,” she whispered as she moved into a sitting position and saw the bars set in for a door. For the first time, Mayling was behind bars.
“Oh no,” she whispered, obviously heart broken, “they must think I’m a spy…”

((This is one that I used to audition for a Role Play group of mine))

Grace slammed into a wall, tears filled her green eyes as she felt her whole right side start to flood with bruises.
"Stop," she whispered, "Please stop." But it wouldn't stop, the fist still came. She was knocked to the ground where she weeped silently. She tasted bitter blood in her mouth as she started to massaged her cut lip.
"I'm going to kill you!" her oppressor yelled drunkly as he kicked her into the stomach, "I'm going to kill you!"

Grace lay there, wallowing in pain. When would it stop, Oh Ruler, when would it stop? Abruptly she felt large, strong hands grab hold of her bruised body and start to squeeze. Her lungs started to burn from the lack of air and her head started to feel fuzzy. Suddenly she felt the grip loosen and she was flung towards the ground. Footsteps her attacker ran away from her into the distance.

Minutes later Grace heard a new set of steps walk up to her bruised body. Strong but gentle hands grabbed her. Instantly she wanted to run but sadly she lacked the strength to stand. She struggling weakly but to no prevail. The hands lifted her up and cradled her into someone's arms.
"It's alright," whispered a strange voice above her, "You boyfriend is gone. He'll never hurt you again."

((I wrote this one about one of my other characters, Ran))

Ran flinched as Two slapped him. What did he do this time? Looking after he, he watched as she stomped away. Only a second ago she was kissing him, now she was angry, what did he do. Getting off the sofa he ran after her. Grabbing her wrists, he swung her around until they were facing each other.
"Don't touch me!" she spat as she tried to break his grip. Suddenly she changed into a huge, lizard like creature. The startled Ran flew back as she hit him with her tail. Hitting a nearby wall Ran watched dizzily as she left him. Left him in his pain.

Two changed quickly into a cat as she bolted out the door. Running into the streets she raced away. She had to get away. Ran, oh Ran. Why, why, why!?! That fool said that they were going to get married, and married soon. Why did he have to kiss another lady, why did he have to make love with a mortal!
She felt a tear slip down her cheek as she ran, jumping over a stream she continued her flight.
I have to find Ares, she thought angrily, I have to get my revenge!
It didn't take long for her to find Ares. He was always easy to find, well, for gods at least. Changing into a beautiful woman with long, silk-like blond hair and with a very slim frame she approached the god.
Ares was dressed in a black, leather jacket and blue jeans. His muscles protruded from his unzipped jacket and tight shirt. His black hair was slicked back and his eyes covered by thick, black sunglasses.
"What is it my dear?" he asked her as he saw he approach. "The god of Sea Wreckage not your type?" He flashed her a smile but it quickly changed into a concerned look as he saw her red and swollen eyes. Gathering her up into his arms he comforted her.
"What did he do to you?" he asked softly.
"He, he betrayed me Ares," she cried softly, "He betrayed me."
"Shhh," he gently patted her on the back. "We'll get him back for that. Now tell, me, what are his weaknesses?"

Ran woke up the next morning with his head throbbing. Why didn't he go after her? Why, she's probably with Ares, planning millions of ways how to kill him again and again. If she was with Ares, she would most likely hold a grudge for all eternity. Ouch, that would be bad. Rubbing his head and getting out of the hole in the wall he picked up his phone. Dialing Two's number he waited for her to pick up.
"I'm sorry," the phone stated, "But Two does not want to talk to you right now. . .no. . .she doesn't want to talk to you ever. Please hang up and do not dial again." Ran hung up, wow she was mad. Dialing Hermes' number he waited for one of his minions to pick up.
"Hi Ran, Hermes is a little busy right now, can we take a message?"
"Sure," he said, "Martha and George."
"Hey he remembered us!! Do you have any worms?"
"George!! That's so rude! Don't ask him that
at all! Now, what is your message Lord Ran?" Ran smiled, it was so much fun talking to Martha and George.
"I want to tell Hermes if he would pick up some red roses and send them off the Two. On the flower's card thingy say it was from me. Also on the note, say that I'm sorry. Got that?"
"Ooo! There's a story behind that one! What did you do?"
"Ooo! Martha is being rudeish!"
"Oh shut up. Fine. We'll tell him that. Thanks for calling! Bye!"
Ran grinned.
"Bye George and Martha." Hanging up the phone he waited for someone to call him. Probably Apollo would call him and ask if he wanted to go on a ride with him. No, he was probably busy. Putting his sea phone into his pocket, Ran walked out the wrecked door.

After a while of walking/jogging Ran found himself in a small town just as the sun touch the western sky. Glancing up at the windows, he watched as students from that town studying. Suddenly his phone started to buzz. Pulling it out he heard Two's cool, sweet voice on the phone.
"Ran, this is Two, I'm sorry for having such a fit last night. I was wondering if you would like to go to a party that I'm throwing. Well?" Ran grinned and automatically said yes. Putting away his phone he looked up at the house he was leaning against. One the second floor he saw a pretty looking girl studying the night away. Changing into a girl he once knew he walked up to the door. Ringing the door bell he waited for someone to answer.

Now wasn't that great!!! The only thing is that I wish I didn't have the time to write something so depressing as the intro about Grace.

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