Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pickles and Onions and Peaches. . .Oh my!

I have a major update!!!!! The giant Pickles and Onions are charging around town destroying everything in their path! This is terrible! but how did it happen? What made these pickles and onions rebel?

(1 week ago)
I have just got home and a Pickle from my mother's pickle jar has attacked me! I fought, and I fought bravely. Pickle juice flying everywhere. On my face, hair, clothes, bed, floor, ect. It was terrible, yes the bed and floor part, I don't really care about my clothes and hair. I was about to fall into a puddle of pickle juice hatred when my dog, a little poodle with long, curly, black hair ran into the room and devoured the pickle. It was a nasty site. Finally, when the pickle was gone my dog came up and licked my face. YUCK! Pickle-smelling breath!

Now that you have realized what a threat pickles are I recommend that you not open your pickle or relish jar and instead live on ketchup and mustard. Believe me, it will relieve you a great deal.

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